• Erasmus +


            The Elementary School nr 1 in Żukowo is implementing an EU project – “Mobility of school education personne”l.

           The project “ We open ourselves up to new opportunities- linguistic and European development” lasts from 01.07.2019 r. to 30.06.2022r.  The project implements a number of tasks for students, teachers and the local community in our school. In addition, 13 teachers take part in language and methodology training abroad (Great Britain, Ireland, Malta, Germany, Cyprus).

            For the implementation of the tasks the school received funding in the amount of 36.319 euro.

           The project coordinator is Edyta Kuklińska.



















    • Kontakty

      • Szkoła Podstawowa nr 1 im. Obrońców Wybrzeża w Żukowie
      • (+48) 58 681 87 62, 58 681 85 34,
        Tel. filia (58) 681 82 02,
        Tel. komórkowy 503 751 197
      • 83-330 Żukowo
        ul. Gdyńska 7
        Filia ul. Gdańska 66
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